The GERDA is a great tool at any stage of mineral exploration! It can work right at the drill site or in base camp, which incredibly increases your efficiency.
GERDA – Geochemical Research and Documentation Assistant – is an automated sampler for portable and handheld analytical instruments such as pXRF, NIR spectrometers, magnetometers, etc.
The GERDA can be used for:
- assaying drill core right in core boxes;
- assaying stream sediment/soil samples in field bags;
- assaying RAB, RC drilling chip samples;
- determination of gold mineralization in crushed rock/drill core samples utilizing NEFFA method;
- assaying any 2D flat objects like paintings and etc..
The GERDA includes:
- CNC 1500×1000 mm table WorkBee;
- high-resolution USB camera Baumer VCXU 65C.R (optional);
- Control Unit based on Raspberry Pi3;
- Browser-based software – you can test it in a simulator following the link – Control Panel;
- can be mounted on Palsatech or CoreLift tables
- can be remotely controlled via VPN
The GERDA can be equipped with:
- XRF analyzers Olympus Vanta or Bruker S1 Titan/Tracer or SciAps X505/X555 or Elvathech ProspectOre 3 (sold separately as agreed with the Customer);
- NIR spectrometer Spectral Evolution oreXpress (sold separately as agreed with the Customer);
- LIBS analalyser SciAps Z903
- developed and designed the GERDA;
- produces and sells GERDA units;
- installs units on customer’s site;
- trains customer’s personnel;
- provides full technical support and warranty.
Case Study by our partner EMF Royalty Exploration
EMX-pXRF-Case-Studies-XRF-meeting-IVThe GERDA in Olympus’ official BLOG
For more information, quotation and offer terms please send us a request by filling out the contact form on the Contact Us page.
The GERDA units successfully work for the following customers :

Available models are compatible with either Olympus Vanta or Thermo Fischer Niton pXRF’s.
Many other manually operated pXRF test stand products exist, however, they all have the same basic design flaws, and the same operational limitations to productivity when users need to accomplish hundreds (or even thousands) of assay tests.
- The pXRF is docked in underneath the test rig.
- The sample cups then must be inserted upside-down so that the material in the cup doesn’t fall out.
- The test rig can only load one sample cup at a time.
With Wiltec Solutions’ Easy Sampler, these operational limitations have now been solved